Paper goods for language enthusiasts

"A different language is different vision of life" – Federico Fellini

  • Stationery

    Sending and receiving handwritten mail sparks joy. As Norwegian author, Vigdis Hjorth once said, "A letter is practically a gift".

  • Languages

    Learning another language can open up a whole new world. It can enrich travel experiences, help form friendships and exercise your brain.

  • Lettering

    Illustrated letters are a way to tell stories. We combine our love for languages with hand-drawn letters and patterns.

Alphabet Mini Cards

Gift Tags

Braille Mini Cards


Floreana celebrates the joy of handwritten correspondence while embracing the Spanish and English languages.

Learning a second language can open up a whole new world. Poco a poco (bit by bit) we aim to encourage learning Spanish through our handcrafted paper goods.